Friday, April 20, 2012

DIY - Paint Sample Dry Erase Calendar

While browsing through pinterest or etsy you see so many diy paint sample projects. What's not to love about them? First its cheap {paint samples are free} and second they usually are just plain cute. I finally decided to try a paint sample project of my own: a dry erase calendar!

  • Lots and Lots of paint samples. I honestly don't know how many I used)
  • A Cute Frame
  • Glue {I like rubber cement}
  • Scissors or a Paper Cutter
  • Large piece of paper that fits in frame. I glued my calendar to back of the paper that came with it.
  • Stickers or Pen for the dates
  • A Ruler
  • Dry Erase Markers
Directions {Based on a 14x18in frame} 

1. Use your scissors or paper cutter to cut out 9 (1.5in x 1in) month letter square, 7 (2.25in x 1.25in) weekday block, 35 (2.25in x1.75in) day blocks and 2 (7.5in x 1.75in) note blocks.

2. Arrange all the pieces until you get the color pattern you like.

3. Write or add stickers to the  7 (2.25in x 1.25in) weekday block for the weekdays.

4. Start Gluing the pieces to the paper and let dry.

5. Place in Frame and admire your masterpiece!

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